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Project Meeting

PAN project meeting started at 18th January 2004. The participation in the meeting was only limited to the PAN Localization Project members including the regional Project leaders, Regional research officers, Project leaders, country component team members and three IDRC officials. The agenda of the meeting was to have a face to ace acquaintance with  project team members and

discuss the expectation of IDRC. The participants could share knowledge and information regarding their background, their work and experience in Localization. Also the project leaders specifically discussed their project plan, participation and expected outputs of their country components. The regional secretariat and IDRC representatives also discussed their roles and the expectations that they had from all partner countries.

Positively, the ambiguities related to Intellectual property Rights (IPR) of the personal working were also discussed and clarified. An intensive exercise on the formation of baseline surveys for technology, HR and policy were also conducted during the last day of the Project Meeting. An effective results dissemination strategy was also chalked out for the completed products of the PAN Project. The project partners discussed various marketing strategies that need to be employed for marketing their products in future.
In summary, this Project meeting of the PAN Localization project has been extremely beneficial to the participants and to the PAN Localization project in an attempt to discuss all related issues, faced by partner countries and Regional secretariat of the PAN Localization project.


  The PAN Project meeting was a two day long event that was aimed to meet the following objectives:
  • To conduct a formal introduction of all the project leaders of the country components and one representative from each country component

  • To discuss the role and expectations of the country components, the regional secretariat and the IDRC

  • To discuss and finalize the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issue for all the intellectual property generated during the three year tenure of the project

  • To design the baseline surveys for gathering data on the current state of practice in technology, human resource and policy in the respective country components

  • To discuss the structure of the PAN Localization project website and the development of a local language computing webboard

  • To discuss the structure for the formation of a support network in the Asian region

  • To discuss various marketing strategies that need to be employed to market the developed products after the completion of the products

Project Dinner

PAN Localization Project dinner was held on the 17th January, 2004.  A formal inauguration of the project took place at the dinner. Eminent people from local software houses, research institutions, and various public and private universities from all over Pakistan were called on to participate in the inauguration of the project.  Among all the distinguished guests, the Information technology Minster for the province of Punjab graced the event as the chief guest.

The Rector of NUCES Dr. Amir Muhammad warmly welcomed the guests on behalf of the university and elaborated on the achievements hat the university had done in the past.  Later on the Rector also praised CRULP as a center that has largely contributed to the promotion of a research culture in the university. Later during the dinner, the Minister of Information Technology was formally introduced with the PAN Localization project and its possible outcomes after the three year time period, telling him about the research and technological study conducted throughout this time period.

The Inauguration of the PAN Localization dinner received vast media coverage.  The inauguration dinner was adequately covered by both the electronic and the print media.  The PAN Localization dinner was covered by the most popular news paper, The News, in its daily edition dated, 18th January, 2004.

Project trip

A whole day long recreational trip was arranged for the attendees of the PAN Localization training.  The trip included visit to two of the most famous historical places of Lahore; the Lahore Fort and the famous Badshahi Mosque.


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